We're Honored By Your Interest To

Support or sponsor Search africon

Get your brand in front of a vibrant network of search , businesses and digital marketing community in Africa and join in making a difference.

As a sponsor, you’ll receive exceptional benefits to showcase your brand and reach a targeted audience, at the very least, our sponsors will get a:

  • Prominent exposure: Logo and link placement on the Search Africon homepage and dedicated Sponsors Page.
  • Brand recognition: Company name featured in the conference materials.
  • Pre-event engagement: Inclusion in pre-event emails reaching our anticipated audience.
  • Direct access: One complimentary conference pass for your staff to participate.
  • Brand promotion: Conference bag stuffers to distribute your promotional materials.
  • Social media reach: Mentions across our social media channels, including amplification of your provided promotional materials.

You’re not just sponsoring a gathering, your support will play a vital role in empowering Africans with the tools and knowledge they need to make the web more accessible and relevant to their needs.


Our success would not have been possible without the generous Contribution of our sponsors And Supporters

Our Sponsors

Become a search africon sponsor

We will love to have your logo on our website and banners